A brown haired, olive skinned woman with smooth skin smiles after a cosmetic treatment

Happy Peel For Happy Skin

Happy Peel for Happy Skin

What is a Happy Peel?

A Happy Peel dermaplaning facial combines two effective treatments to bring you happier, healthier, and more vibrant skin. Treatment starts with a round of dermaplaning exfoliation, followed by application of the Happy Peel enzyme, and then the peel. Happy Peel is easy and safe, using a gentle, self-neutralizing application with no downtime to worry about after treatment.

A blonde woman smiles on a small town backdrop

What are the Benefits of a Happy Peel?

Because it combines both dermaplaning and a chemical peel, Happy Peels offer brighter, more lively skin on top of the benefits both treatments offer seperately.

Twinkle icon

Brighter, Youthful Skin

Fine Lines & Wrinkles

Reduce Wrinkles & Fine Lines

Unwanted Hair

Remove Small Hairs & Peach Fuzz

Unsmooth texture, represented by a wavvy line

Smooth Unwanted Texture

A group of dots representing large pores

Limit Breakouts


Reduce Acne Scarring


Address Hyperpigmentation

Uneven Color

Even Skin Tone

Treatable Areas with Happy Peel


How does a Happy Peel work?

After dermaplaning, Happy Peel patches containing exfoliative enzymes are applied to the treatment area. The patches are then peeled off to reveal refreshed skin.

What do Happy Peels do for the skin?

Happy Peel exfoliates and moisturizes the skin, relieves inflammation, stimulates cell regeneration, and provides added UV protection to the top layer of the skin.

How many appointments do I need?

Happy Peel results are cumulative, so we recommend monthly treatments for optimal results.

Are Happy Peels safe?

Happy Peel is safe and suitable for all skin types. It’s self-neutralizing, so it does not leave any harmful residues on the skin.

Are Happy Peels painful?

No, Happy Peel is gentle on the skin.

How long do Happy Peel results last?

We recommend you schedule follow-up treatments every four weeks, or as needed. Please consult with us to determine the proper treatment frequency.

How should I prepare for my treatment?

Prepare as you would for a typical dermaplaning treatment: keep the skin moisturized, avoid exfoliative products, and stay out of the sun.

How long does a Happy Peel procedure take?

After dermaplaning is finished, Happy Peel only takes a few minutes.

What does recovery look like?

You shouldn’t need any downtime during recovery, and the Happy Peel treatment should mitigate some of the after-effects of dermaplaning. Please be sure to follow our recovery plan following treatment.

Start the journey to a more radient you.


    Our Providers
    Kim Kuhar, DO
    Medical Director
    Lavonne Gifford, LE
    Licensed Esthetician
    Niccole Oswald, MD
    Aesthetics Provider