A blonde woman smiles

Treat Yourself with a Targeted Facial

Treat Yourself with a Targeted Facial

Introducing targeted facials. What are they? What are the benefits?

Targeted facials are uniquely formulated to treat specific skin conditions. We offer a variety of facial formulations targeting a variety of different skincare conditions, tailoring the treatment to your personal needs and yielding gorgeous results. Many patients use targeted facials to treat rosacea, a chronic skin condition that causes discoloration and redness of the face and body, and non-inflammatory acne, another common skin condition associated with clogged pores.

A woman with brown hair receives a facial

What Can Be Treated With Facials?

Twinkle icon

Brighter, Youthful Skin

A group of dots representing large pores

Limit Breakouts

Unsmooth texture, represented by a wavvy line

Refine Unwanted Texture

Fine Lines & Wrinkles

Moisturize Dry Skin

A drop of oil

Reduce Oil Production


Address Hyperpigmentation

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Who is the Best Candidate for a Facial?

Facials can be helpful for most patients, but are not one-size-fit-all. We work with you to design customized facials that fit your unique skin needs.

A young man with smooth skin smiles


How does a facial work?

Because targeted facials are made to treat specific skincare conditions, there are a variety of formulations available that work in different ways. Cleansing facials remove debris and sebum from blocked pores; moisturizing facials restore the skin’s hydration balance to soothe irritation and help the skin to protect itself; LED facials involve shining a combination of different lights on the skin to promote even skin tone, encourage collagen production, and kill off acne-causing bacteria. This list is not exhaustive; schedule a consult today to help determine what treatment is the right one for you.

What is a facial used to treat?

Targeted facials can treat a wide range of conditions, rosacea and non-inflammatory acne being among the most common. Facials are not recommended for inflammatory acne or moderate-to severe acne as they could make symptoms worse.

How many appointments do I need?

Appointment needs will vary based on your skin and what issue you are trying to address. Depending on the severity of your acne or rosacea, we recommend scheduling treatments every two weeks or once a month.

Your skin expert will work with you to design a customized treatment plan, where you’ll determine how often you need to come in.

Are facials painful?

Not all facials are alike. While some are very gentle, some exfoliative treatments like microdermabrasion and chemical peels can cause mild irritation.

How should I prepare for my treatment?

Be sure to book a consultation with our skincare team to help determine which course of treatment is the right one for you. Depending on which treatment you move forward with, we will provide instructions on how to best prepare your skin.

How long does a facial take?

Typically, treatments take around an hour, though options like microdermabrasion and LED therapy can take less time.

What does recovery look like?

Recovery looks a little different depending on the treatment you receive, though in most cases there’s next to no downtime. To maintain results, you may need to change your daily skincare regimen, and in some cases, you might need to apply sun protection for a time afterwards. Be sure to follow the skincare instructions given by our skincare team to maintain the best results.

Start the journey to a more radient you.


    Our Providers
    Kim Kuhar, DO
    Medical Director
    Lavonne Gifford, LE
    Licensed Esthetician