A beautiful young woman with smooth skin

Fast. Lasts. Makes Frown Lines A Thing of  The Past.

Fast. Lasts. Makes Frown Lines A Thing of  The Past.

What is Daxxify®?

Daxxify® is an FDA-approved cosmetic treatment that smoothes out moderate-to-severe frown lines on the forehead.

It uses a peptide to quickly reduce frown lines while achieving long-lasting results, leaving you with beautiful, smooth skin on your forehead.

A beautiful black woman with smooth skin

Treatable Areas with Daxxify®

Who is the Best Candidate for Daxxify®?

Daxxify could be right for any adult looking to reduce the visibility of frown lines that is fast-acting and has long term results. In clincial trials, it has shown to work with a variety of skin types.

As with any injection, you should consult your physician before getting treated with Daxxify®.

You can learn more about the risks here

Woman with smooth forehead


What is Daxxify®? How do the work?

Daxxify® is a FDA-approved botulinum toxin injectable designed to treat moderate to severe glabellar lines (aka frown lines). It works by relaxing the muscles in your face to reduce the visibility of frown lines.

What is Daxxify® designed to treat?

Daxxify® is intended to treat frown lines (aka glabellar lines) but can also be used to treat muscle spasms in the neck.

How do frown lines form?

Glabellar lines can form for a variety of reasons, including frowning, decreased collagen production, genetics, sun damage, and more. 

Daxxify® helps combat facial line formation by temporarily reducing muscle activity in the face, which prevents the formation of moderate to severe frown lines.

How is Daxxify® different from dermal fillers?

Both types of treatments have different uses.

Dermal fillers, also known as facial fillers, are usually made with hyaluronic acid, with the goal of increasing volume and fullness to the treated area.

Daxxify® is a botulinum toxin,  similar to Botox®. It works by temporarily relaxing muscles in the face that cause wrinkles and frown lines.

How many appointments do I need? How long does Daxxify® last?

Most patients will need a frown line treatment at least twice a year. However, every patient is different – and will have different needs.

We’ll work with you to tailor a care plan based on your individual needs.

Is Daxxify® safe?

Treatment with Daxxify® is generally regarded as safe  when performed by an experienced skincare team like ours. Some possible side effects include headache, eyelid drooping, and loss of ability to move the muscles in your face. In rare cases, more serious complications can occur, such as allergic reaction or heart problems, which is why Daxxify® must only be administered by licensed medical practitioners like Dr. Kuhar and Dr. Oswald.

For a full understanding of the risks, you can review this document with a physician.

Is Daxxify® injections painful?

Daxxify® should not hurt when administered by a licensed aesthetics provider. You may feel a small pinch during the injection, but our providers will communicate with you to make sure you are as comfortable as possible. We may also numb the area with local anesthesia before treatment if requested.

How long do Daxxify® results last?

Results will typically last up to 6 months in wrinkles and folds, though the exact results vary from person to person.

How should I prepare for my treatment?

Before we administer Daxxify®, we will schedule a consultation to address any questions you might have. Typically, you want to avoid blood thinners prior to treatment, as they can cause brusing. Contact the office for a full prep plan.

How long does a RHA filler procedure take?

It typically takes between 30 minutes to an hour.

Do you offer Daxxify® for men?

Yes! Men often look for ways to reduce signs of aging, such as frown lines, and Daxxify® can be a great way to address those needs. Our team are available to all adults seeking skincare solutions. Set up an appointment to discuss your individual goals.

Who is injecting me? Are they doctors?

We are a small team of licensed skincare experts with a wide breadth of experience. Our practice owner, Kim Kuhar, D.O., is a board-certified physician and has gathered a team of caring, qualified professionals that uphold the highest standards of safety and comfort for our clients. Visit our Silverdale, PA office to experience it for yourself!

Start the journey to a more radient you.


    Our Providers
    Kim Kuhar, DO
    Medical Director
    Lavonne Gifford, LE
    Licensed Esthetician